Câu 1:

Part I : 

Directions: A word or phrase is missing in each of the sentences below. Four answer choices are given below each sentence. Select the best answer to complete the sentence. Then mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheel.

1. Mother Theresa devoted her entire life not only to the service of God ___ also to a universal conversion project.

Câu 2:

2.Typical clerical support ___ perform many duties, including bookkeeping, typing, and maintaining records and files.

Câu 3:

3, In accordance with industry practice, we record revenues for music and book products when the products are___ to retailers.

Câu 4:

4.To prevent spam. we check that mail servers that send us mail are ___ registered. 

Câu 5:

5.We maintain a home page on the web that stores reports, articles, letters and other documents that we are unable ___ in our weekly bulletins.

Câu 6:

6.This page contains Java Script routines to compute a ___ of descriptive statistics and create a stem and leaf display.

Câu 7:

7.We ___ share the photos of the World Trade Center disaster site in New York City with you .

Câu 8:

8.Sign up for direct deposit and your payroll , government. pension or dividend funds will be ___ deposited into your City Bank account and will be available immediately.

Câu 9:

9.They certainly appeared ___ of doing things the same as their opponents, but they simply would not break the rules.

Câu 10:

10.____ America's future, we will need the skills and talents of a new generation of tradesmen .

Câu 11:

11.If you have an established account and wish to charge this order ___ your account then select the Purchase Order option in the Payment methods field.

Câu 12:

12.The scope of work included a complete___of the existing facility, including completely new electrical work and installation of Y2K compliant equipment.

Câu 13:

13. If there are no ___ objections, those plans will become the final plans.

Câu 14:

14.Please ensure that any additional sheet is attached____ to your application form.

Câu 15:

15.___ the training course continues, new office workers will receive seventy percent of their salary.

Câu 16:

16.I would like to help my daughter learn to play by ___ but I feel guilty.

Câu 17:

17. American meat has ____ begun arriving in China under a related trade deal.

Câu 18:

18.The additional costs of having a book bound as a library edition are well worth the ____

Câu 19:

19.The initiative to help form an academic accounting association in Asia is___ very well with the inaugural meeting of representatives of several countries scheduled in Hong Kong in June.

Câu 20:

20.The ___  event of the Consortium was an excellent conference held by the University of Victoria from October 26-27, 2001. 

Câu 21:

Part II
Directions: Read the texts on the following pages. A word or phrase is missing in some of the sentences. Four answer choices are given below each of these sentences. Select the best answer to complete tile text. Then mark Ihe letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet

 Questions 1·3 refer to the following notice. 

April 17

Dear Book Club Members,
We will be offering our corporate members a special 25 percent discount on all books next month. This discount will be (1)______ to orders placed before the 1st of June, so take advantage of it now. Also, be sure to renew your membership on time so that it does not expire.

Câu 22:

In the past, our corporate members have been especially interested in our business-oriented selections, including books on computer (2) ________  Please take a look over our extensive business-related section. OUf most popular books are shown in bold print.

Câu 23:

Due to unexpected demand , there is a back order on some of our most popular listings.
These are denoted by a red asterisk (*). When ordering, please allow an extra three weeks
delivery for these books, in addition to the two weeks normally required.
In closing, we ask that you fill out the enclosed survey (3) ____ your satisfaction with any business-related titles you may have received from us in the past.

Leah Anderssen

Câu 24:

Part III
Directions: In this part, you will read a selection of texts, such as magazine and newspaper articles, letters, and advertisements. Each text is followed by several questions. Select the best answer for each question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet.

Questions 24-27 refer to the following advertisement. 

Managers Wanted
Speed care is currently looking for qualified managers to work in several retail stores in the East Asian market.We have been dedicated to selling our great-quality clothing to our customers at the lowest possible prices since its inception a decade ago.The prospective candidates will possess outstanding communication, supervisory and public relation skills.
We are widely known as the leading company in providing on the job training and offering supportive work environment to our employees.Successful candidates will be responsible for organizing all hiring, training new employees and evaluating their job performance.
Employee Benefits : 

.paid vacation and maternal leave
.health, life, medical and dental insurance coverage
.a good retirement plan
.competitive bonus and incentive systems
.complimentary education and training support
.five workdays a week, Saturday and Sunday off

24. How long has Speed care been in business? 

(A) Five years
(B) Ten years
(C) A dozen years
(D) Fifteen years

Câu 25:

25. What kind of business is Speedcare in?

(A) A real estate consulting firm
(B) An internet service provider
(C) A health care industry
(D) A discount department store 

Câu 26:

26. Speedcare is the best in its industry for which of the following?

(A) Its reliable customer service
(B) Its competitive salaries
(C) Its customer satisfaction
(D) Its comprehensive employee training

Câu 27:

27. What is NOT true about employment benefits?
(A) Free housing after ten years
(B) Complimentary employee education
(C) A variety of insurance benefits
(D) A beneficial retirement package

Câu 28:

Questions 28-30 refer to the following advertisement.

Learn How to Speed-read in 6 weeks!

If you can speed-read, you can get an edge in business and in education! Our tried and true super fast reading techniques are guaranteed to help you get information from the page or computer screen into your brain faster than ever before.
Speedie Readie, the program developed by 6 time speed-reading champ Arnold Gusterson, is now available to you through this special offer. It will help to increase your ability to focus on and quickly internalize whatever information is in front of you. There is also focus on scanning documents for vital bits of information very quickly without having to read the entire page.
Sign up today and you will receive our bonus cassette tape, entitled 'Listening for Comprehension'. Our package comes to you for the low price of $99.95 with a money back guarantee. Fill out the form on our web site at www.readfast.com. or call 1-866-345-1234 to order now!

28.What is the name of the cassette tape people will receive if they order today?
(A) Speedie Readie
(B) Listening for Fun
(C) Listening for Comprehension
(D) An Edge in Business and Education

Câu 29:

29.How long should a student commit to this program?
(A) 4 weeks
(B) 5 weeks
(C) 6 weeks
(C) 7 weeks

Câu 30:

30.What options are available to order the product?
(A) In writing
(B) Visit
(C) Fax
(D ) Phone 

Câu 31:

Questions 31-33 refer to the following memo.

To: All bakery staff
From: Management
Subject: Two-day course
Date: March 12

Because we are on contract as an in-house bakery at the Milton Hotel, they insist that we maintain the highest in food quality in terms of taste as well as aesthetic appeal of the products we prepare. As such, their internal nationwide auditing team makes irregular visits to each hotel to ensure that contractors are living up to their high standards.
They have announced that they will visit us for a one-day inspection on March 23. We have decided that we will conduct a two-day off site training course to ensure that all staff are well versed in recipes for all baked goods prepared here, and that decorations are being completed in a consistent and skillful manner. Note that not all staff will be trained al the same time. Classes will be conducted between March 15 and 19, please see your attached schedule to confirm when you are asked to attend. Changes can be made only if you can find a staff member who will trade schedules with you.
If you have any questions, please notify your immediate supervisor.

31.Who should people contact if they have questions?
(A) Someone who will trade schedules with them
(B) Their immediate supervisor
(C) The manager
(D) The Milton Hotel

Câu 32:

32.For how long will each person receive training?
(A) Until March 23
(B) Two days
(C) From March 15-19
(D) One day

Câu 33:

33.What is the relationship between the employees and the Milton Hotel?
(A) They work directly for the hotel.
(B) They are guests there.
(C) Their employer has a contract with the hotel.
(D) They are attending a training conference there

Câu 34:

Questions 34-37 refer to the following minutes,


Present :
Mr. Black, President
Ms. Wright, Accountant
Mr. Jones, Vice President
Mr. Harris, Membership secretary

Mrs. Chloe, the Operations Manager, due to a family emergency
1. The minutes of the February 20th were read and accepted.
2. New cubicles need to be purchased for our main office space. The older ones: are beginning to fall apart, and Mr. Black suggested that higher-quality cubicles be purchased this time to ensure they last longer.
3. Mr. Harris has unveiled his plans to boost book club membership. He and Ms. Wright will consult to produce an estimate of how much this will boost revenue.
4. New bookkeeping methods are to be introduced in June, Ms. Wright gave a brief summary of how the changes will affect day-to-day operations.
5. New logos are needed for the company to refresh the brand image. Mrs. Chloe will be asked to investigate costs involved in this.
6: Next year's budget;
(a) Printing errors have been reduced during this business year compared to previous years, which has helped reduce costs in that area. Some money can be diverted to other areas in the nexr budget.
(b) There have been some difficulties in collections this year due to the general state of the economy. This affects the company's ability to project how much liquid capital will be available.

34.Which of the following was NOT covered at the meeting?
A. New logos
B. Last month's minutes
C. Facilities upgrading
D. Boosting membership

Câu 35:

35.Who suggested longer lasting furniture be purchased?
A. Mr. Black
B. Mrs. Chloe
C. Mr. Jones
D. Mr. Harris

Câu 36:

36.What has helped to free up money to be used in other areas?
A. Less spending on office furniture
B. More efficient collections processes
C. A reduction in staff
D. Reduced printing error

Câu 37:

37.Who will be responsible for costing the logo change?
A. Mr. Black
B. Mrs. Chloe
C. Mr. Harris
D. Mr. Jones

Câu 38:

Questions 38 -40 refer to the following article.

Getting a good night's sleep may have surprising benefits, including adding up to six years to your life. This and other results of the National Sleep Center decade-long study of the effects of sleep deprivation on adults were announced yesterday at a press conference by Margaret Norwood, the research scientist who headed the study. Dr. Norwood stressed that getting adequate sleep is not a luxury, it is critical to proper brain functioning. People who sleep well show greatly enhanced moods, improved memories, and better job performances and are significantly less likely to be involved in accidents.

Dr. Hugh Weatley, the director at the center, agreed, stating that, while individuals do vary in their need for sleep, "most adults require one hour of sleep for every two hours of wakefulness. He suggested that individuals determine their own requirements by sleeping for the amount of time they think they need for a week.


38. When were the results of the research released?
A. Yesterday
B. A week ago
C. Six years ago
D. Ten years ago


Câu 39:

39.Who is Margaret Norwood?
A. A journalist
B. The director of the National Sleep Center
C. The person in charge of the study
D. A market researcher

Câu 40:

40.What is NOT mentioned as a benefit of regular sleep?
A. Improved appearance
B. Increased life expectancy
C. Greater happiness
D. Better mental functioning

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