BÀI TEST Tiếng Anh: Đề 1 - Toeic Listening

Câu 1:




Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your test book. When you hear the statements. you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements  will be spoken only one time.

Example :  

( From Question 1 to 10 )


Statement (C), "They're silting al the table," is the best description of the picture, so you should

select answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.


Choose the right answer 


Câu 2:



Câu 3:


Câu 4:


Câu 5:


Câu 6:


Câu 7:


Câu 8:


Câu 9:

Câu 10:


Câu 11:


Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement and mark the letter (A), (8). or (C) on your answer shee!. 


You will hear: Where is the meeting room? You will also hear: (A) To meet the new director. 

(8) It's the first room on the right. (C) Ves, at two o'clock. 

Sample Answer 

The best response to the question "Where is the meeting room?" is choice (8). "It's the first room on the righi," so (8) is the correct answer. You should mark answer (8) on your answer sheet. 


(From Question 11 to question 25)

Who is going to write the memo?


Câu 12:

When will the document be released?


Câu 13:

Do you know where the nearest bank is?


Câu 14:

Were you able to get tickets for the performance?


Câu 15:

How long are you going to be away from your office?


Câu 16:

Did you get my letter, or should I send it again?


Câu 17:

Don't you have a meeting at the security office now?


Câu 18:

Who's going to be a job fair?


Câu 19:

Why was Sue quitting the company?


Câu 20:

Mr.Clinton made a good speech today, didn't he?


Câu 21:

Don't you think it's a little hot in here?


Câu 22:

Where do you think I can find these things on my directory?


Câu 23:

Are you giong to come here tomorrow affternoon?


Câu 24:

Mr Kawasaki expected the shipment delivered today, didn't he?


Câu 25:

Would you like to sign up for the investment committee?


Câu 26:

(From Question 26 to question 40)

Don't you want to get some rest?

Câu 27:

When does the new semester begin at university?

Câu 28:

Steven booked a room at the Renaissance hotel, didn't he?

Câu 29:

I try to work out everyday

Câu 30:

Should you respond to my e-mail or send me a letter?

Câu 31:

How can I find the number for the City Hall

Câu 32:

Rosemary is planning on her vacation in June, isn't she?

Câu 33:

Who's taken a day off today?

Câu 34:

Don't we have a stapler in the office somewhere?

Câu 35:

Do you know when we can visit the facility ?

Câu 36:

How about hiring some part-time workers for six months or so?


Câu 37:

Have you done the reporting by yourself, Mr Lee, or do I have to give you a hand?

Câu 38:

Who's going to meet me at the train station on Monday?

Câu 39:

How about going to the conference, and then take the bus to get to work

Câu 40:

Why did Nancy make up her mind to quit the job right now ?

Câu 41:



Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and mark the letter (A), (8), (C), or (0) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and will not be printed In your test book. 

(From Question 41 to question 52) 

41. Why is the man going to the conference center?

(A) To give a presentation

(B) To meet with a Vice-President

(C) To talk about economics

(D) To share his expenence with the Vice-President

Câu 42:

42. Why is the man going to call Nancy?

(A) To ask her for a meeting with the Vice-President

(B) To ask her how to work out 11 his presentation

(C) To ask her how to get to the conference center

(D) To ask her how to meet will, the Vice- President 

Câu 43:

43. What is the man's presentation about? 

(A) How much pollution IS generated from cars.

(B) How pollulion affecls people's heallh.

(C) How tl1e US has grown economically for Ihe lasl decade.

(D) Introducing the Vice-President to the new workers 

Câu 44:

44. How is the man told to submit the form? 

(A) By dropping it at the mailbox in the department

(B) By mail

(C) By fax

(D) Through a walk-in 


Câu 45:

45. Where can he find the form? 

(A) At a library

(B) At the department

(C) On the internet

(D) In his car 

Câu 46:

46. How did the man lose the parking permit? 

(A) He lost it accidently

(B) He lost it during the car accident.

(C) He does not remember.

(D) He lost it after he took his car to the repair shop. 

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