BÀI TEST Tiếng Anh: Tiếng Anh cho người đi làm

Câu 1:

You’re sick and cannot go to work, so you ask your boss to give you a day_______.

Câu 2:

You think that you cannot meet the given deadline. What do you say to your boss?

Câu 3:

“Please remember that we have a meeting in 10 minutes to discuss _______ the new project!”

Câu 4:

Your manager asks you to send him the report as soon as possible. How to confirm that you will do it immediately?

Câu 5:

You don’t understand a set of instructions and want to ask for clarification. You would say: “Would you mind _______ something for me?”

Câu 6:

Your boss is not satisfied with your work. How do you respond to him?

Câu 7:

How to cut into your boss’s conversation in a polite way?

Câu 8:

You come up with a good idea but it conflicts with your boss’. What should you do?

Câu 9:

When your boss tells you: “Don’t drop the ball on this one”, he means:

Câu 10:

You present a great idea to your boss. He tells you to “take it and run with it”. What does he mean?

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